Cookies & Privacy
Rederij Cascade uses cookies en scripts from Google to analyse your web-visit anonymously. This way we can omtimize the functions, effectivity of your web-visit and targeted ads on Facebook. We alsouse cookies and scripts from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google to integrate social media into our website.
All with respect for your privacy!
At Rederij Cascade, we respect your privacy during your web-visit. We do everything within our power to make sure your personal details are handled with care. Processing your personal details is being done in conformation to the Genaral Data Protection Regulation.
Processing your personal details
Your personal details are being processed for carrying out boat trips, of wich frequent departures, private charter cruises and guest relations wich arose from these. We also use your information to increase our custommer database and to support our IT-systems such as our reservation system or our automated accounting system which we use to save your personal details. We guarantee the safety of your personal details en rights by concluding data security agreements with all our suppliers.
Once you fill in a contactform or sign up form in our website or send us an email, your personal details wil be saved as long as these are necessary for a proper answer and handling.
Google Analytics
We use Goggle Analytics to keep up houw web-visitors use our website. All obtained information, including the IP-address of your computer, will be sent to and saved by Google on servers in the United States of Amirica. Please read the Googles' privacy policy for more information.
Google uses all provided information to chart how our website is being used, to provide raports on our website and to provide her advertisers with information according to the effectivity of their campaings. Google may provide this information to third-party orginisations in case the law obleges Google or if these third-parties process the information in name of Google.
Facebook and Twitter
This websit includes buttons to promote or share our pages on social networks Facebook and Twitter. These buttons are being realised bij code wich is created by Facebook and Twitter themselves. This code places among other a cookie (see beginning).
Please read the privacy statements from Facebook and Twitter to see how they process your personal details. Please note: these privacy statements may change frequently.
Rederij Cascade provides a newsletter to inform everyone who is interested about news, services and aditional information about our company. Your Email address is only being saved with your permission in an internal list of subscribers. Every newsletter contains a link with wich you can unsubscribe. Personal details of newsletter subscibers are never shared with third parties.
Cookie usage
Rederij Cascade uses coockies to provide all digital services. A cookie is a simple small file being sent with the pages of our website and saved on de harddrive of your computer by your browser. We use cookies to remember your settings and prefferences. You can disable cookies in your browser.
Our website places cookies of the Amican company Google as part of their "Analitics"-service. We use this service to get reports on how our site is used. Google may provide this information to third-party orginisations in case the law obleges Google or if these third-parties process the information in name of Google.
Inspection, correction and right of opposition
You have the right to ask for access, rectification, limit or opposite processing of your personal details by our website. You have the right to get your saved personal details handed over and, after accessing your personal details, the right to file a complaint at the Dutch Authority on Personal Details on the way Rederij Cascade processes your personal files.
In case you have a relation of any kind with our company, you can write a request to get access to your saved personal details. In case the provided information is not correct, you can write a request to change or delete these details. Besides that, if you don't want to be informed about our products and services you can write a request to the following address: Rederij Cascade, Achter de Biënberg 18, 6019 CZ, Wessem.
Changing our privacy statement
We may change our privacy statement. Changes will be published (unannounced) onto this website.
Privacy Policy
If you want to read our full privacy statement. Please let us know via Email on the following addres: info@rederijcascade.nl